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Legal News

    What is economic dependencey?

    From 22 August 2020, the abuse of economic dependency has been sanctioned by the new B2B law.

    Economic dependence refers to a situation in which an enterprise possesses a certain market power that allows it to exercise relative dominance over its partners and to impose performance and conditions that ...

    Due to the Corona crisis, it can be more difficult to sign all kinds of documents (letters, agreements, etc.) on paper, especially when a document requires the signature of several people.

    As a result, it often happens that a scanned version of the signature is used, which is then pasted into the document. Although this is, in principle, ...

    Companies facing financial difficulties due to the Corona crisis have been given additional breathing space by both the federal and Flemish governments through numerous support measures. But many companies have ended up in dire straits, and their financial situation has become precarious.

    This is dangerous for the directors of companies. ...

    The new B2B contracts law - what will change?

    The impact of this new law on your business cannot be underestimated: your general terms and conditions and your contracts will most likely contain a number of clauses that will soon no longer be legal.

    The law has already introduced protection for consumers (B2C). However, this will soon ...

    In this case, it referred to an "exclusive distribution contract", but this also applies, in fact, to many other contracts.

    You’ve terminated a contract, but have continued to work as before. Does a new, verbal agreement thereby arise?

    No, according to a very recent judgment of the Court of Cassation. By simply continuing ...

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